Specialist Subjects

Our Specialist Program consist of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths), Physical Education, Visual Arts and Global Studies.


Although schools are only required to report against Science from Grades 3 to 6, we have made a commitment to ensure our Prep to 2 students are exposed to Science teaching and learning experiences through STEM.

This compliments our partnership with CERES which supports our school’s sustainability focus and progress towards becoming a 5-star ResourceSmart school.


The Arts

The Arts curriculum comprise of 4 strands (dance, music, drama and visual arts). Schools may choose to provide students with the choice of whether to pursue sustained study in one of the disciplines within The Arts or to undertake a learning program made up of different Arts disciplines.

We have made a commitment to exposing students to all The Arts disciplines. In addition to the curriculum taught in our Learning Communities, all year levels attend Visual Arts with a specialist teacher at TCPS once a week.

Global Studies

Global studies is an opportunity for our students to examine foreign cultures, languages, worldviews and values. We provide an approach that encourages students to gain an appreciation of cultural diversity while also developing an understanding of culture and language around the world. Our aim is to creat students who understand they are global citizens.

Learning languages in addition to English extends student’s literacy repertoires and their capacity to communicate. It strengthens student’s understanding of the nature of language, culture, and the processes of communication.

At Torquay Coast Primary School, we have a focus on Roman Alphabet Languages. These are languages whose writing system, or means of being visually recorded, is Roman alphabetic, and whose reading demands on learners are similar to those of English.

From Foundation to Level Two, our students will explore cultural aspects of location, flags, food, and music. They will cover language concepts including counting, greetings, colours and basic nouns.

In Levels Three and Four, our students will explore cultural aspects of location, flags, food, music and climate. They will cover language concepts including counting, greetings, colours, basic nouns and introductory phrases.

In Levels Five and Six our students will explore cultural aspects of location, flags, food, music, climate, economy, trade and traditions. They will cover language concepts including counting, greetings, colours, basic nouns, introductory phrases and key phrases for communication. Global Studies is celebrated in a whole school celebration each year.

Focus cultures may include:

  • Italy
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
Physical Education (P.E.)

Students engage in and enjoy regular movement-based learning experiences and understand and appreciate their significance to personal, social, cultural, environmental and health practices and outcomes during Physical Education at Torquay Coast Primary School.

Active play and minor games addresses how students move and use their bodies to develop, practise and refine motor skills, balance, strength and coordination. Active play can occur indoors or outdoors, alone or with peers and can involve manipulation of objects or engagement with music or the environment. Through minor games, students are challenged to practise skills, including social skills, in a simple game situation.

Fundamental movement skills addresses the development of fundamental movement skills that provide the foundation for competent and confident participation in a range of physical activities which include: rolling, balancing, sliding, jogging, running, leaping, jumping, hopping, dodging, galloping, skipping; as well as object control skills - bouncing, throwing, catching, kicking, striking.

Games and sports address the development of movement skills, concepts and strategies through a variety of games and sports. The games and sports focus area builds on learning in active play and minor games and fundamental movement skills.